Cats With A Heart
Where are they produced?
CWAH collaborates with La Cana, Prison Art, and Pro Mujeres Cautivas to provide remunerated jobs and professional skills to vulnerable women. The programs and workshops help the reinsertion into society and the reduction of crime recurrence.
The cats are made in three different Mexican prisons, Santa Martha Acatitla, Tepepan, both in Mexico City, and Cereso de Tulancingo de Bravo, in Hidalgo. CWAH t-shirts are hand-embroidered at Chiconautla-Ecatepec, State of Mexico.
Why Cats?
Cats represent loving yet independent creatures. Their aim is to make children in need feel loved and protected as the basis for their education and development to become independent adults. By creating job opportunities for women at risk of social exclusion CWAH supports these women to become self-reliant and confident.
All profits will go to Cats With A Heart.
Each CWAH has a heart inserted during production so you can feel it to the touch and it reminds you that with that purchase you are touching someone's heart too.